1. pl

Exsperts id data analysis
and process optimization in your company!



I am an IT specialist and programmer. For 20 years, I have been involved in integrating and organizing data for business. I translate marketing and sales processes into the language of IT.

I carefully observe the world around me and transform business insights into effective action strategies. In my daily work, I focus on data integration and open dialogue with entrepreneurs.

Jacek Kamiński 

Mikołaj Janicki 


Business Ergonomics is about people - their knowledge, experience, and willingness to act. We are a team of enthusiasts for whom data is more than just numbers and facts. It's knowledge that drives the success of your business. 

We have experience in the IT market, and you can count on our support in managing big data; data processing and engineering, as well as streamlining processes, optimizing Data Science, scoring, or data anonymization.

Data processing is more than just working with numbers.

In every dataset, we see potential. Our goal is to transform these raw pieces of information into concrete business solutions. Our passion and commitment to what we do allow us to understand your unique needs and provide you with the tools that enable better management, analysis, and utilization of data in your daily operations.

Our mission is built on three pillars - we always start with data, we always finish with effective action.

Usystematyzowana wiedza stanowi klucz do podejmowania strategicznych decyzji biznesowych, otwierając przed nami nowe możliwości wykorzystania potencjału danych.

Wiedza wymaga uporządkowania

W zarządzaniu strategicznym decyzje opierają się na wysokiej jakości źródłach informacji. Integracja danych skraca czas poświęcony na rutynowe raportowanie, uwalniając zasoby na priorytetowe działania organizacji.

Efektywne działanie

Informacje mają wartość w biznesie tylko wtedy, jeśli są odpowiednio opracowane i wykorzystywane.

Dane to podstawa

See how we work.

Graphic design Platypus, development Tako

2024 © Product - All Right Reserved 

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Company address:

Jankowska St. 10/2,

02-129 Warsaw


ph. 022 668 77 73

Registration data:

KRS: 0000335936,

VAT ID: 7010192766,

REGON: 141934265